Congrats! That's a huge milestone. You deserve a Ctrl+Alt+Delete!

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Wow! Congratulations! Enjoy the moment!

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Congrats on finishing! I now have a new phrase to justify the many breaks I take each day: just a mini reset 😁

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Great reset plan and congrats on meeting that deadline!

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New to your blog and loving it! Congrats on the finish of your project, such a satisfying feeling! I had a project finish recently as well and was wondering what to do to hit my personal Ctrl+Alt+Del. I decided on a binge of a current TV show. I don't usually do lots of TV but this seemed like a good brain brake. Now, of course, I'm nervous about taking too much time off and have started on the next project LOL. Such is writer life...

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Congratulations, Kate! xoxo

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So amazing!! Congratulations!! I love the idea of choosing the way you reset, but also of continuing to flex that strength you built in a way that brings you energy and joy. Enjoy every moment!

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Congrats, Kate!!

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Man, I can relate to this post so hard. I had ideas and even a running start on novel #2 as I was finishing up novel #1. But, as I got to the end of my manuscript and did some comprehensive fine-tooth-combing a few times through, all that motivation juice just evaporated. I had just finished climbing a mountain I never imagined climbing, and my brain was now like "you need to just sit tf down for a sec and take some breaths!"

Now, a month has gone by and I haven't started back up and your post has me reexamining why not. Since the new year, I've started a new day job -- your last past on that was timely af! -- so that's one obvious reason. But after reading your thoughts on Ctr+Alt+Del'ing ... I realized something. The idea of writing as play is a foreign concept to me. I've been reading as recreational outlet these past few weeks, but not writing. Whenever I sit down to write, I immediately feel compelled to have a "destination" in mind. Just writing to do so, without an end goal, has never occurred to me. But in other areas, I get it: you go outside for a walk for the point of *walking*, not to get anywhere specific.

I'm gonna have to try that. Your muscle metaphor makes so much sense: I've just put a ton of work into building a writing muscle. I can keep it in tip-top shape by using it to aimlessly play around as much as using it to work towards a goal. Thanks for the thought-provoker.

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This project management guy says well done Kate, hitting a deadline is soooo rare for project management 😂

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First off, congrats! Second, I have experienced this so many times in my life - grad school, quitting my “dream job” and finally now after selling my company. It’s so common to get itchy and try to jump right into what’s next and it’s so wise to instead force a rest. Thanks for sharing this.

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Congrats on finishing your book! I just want to say that your posts help me feel inspired to write and keep going. Thank you!

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I submitted my manuscript yesterday and have similar feelings.

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Congratulations! Nothing better than writing “The End”

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Congratulations on finishing your book! 🎉

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