I mean what I'm about to say in a really good way. Read it like you would read a Hallmark card.

"Thanks, Mom."

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Resonate so much! Writing is really the first thing that I've loved enough to sit with that feeling of being not good enough but keeping on because I love it enough to be bad and get better!

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"It’s ok to be bad at things." If you're a writer better get used to it : )

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Am busy thinking about what are my ‘scales’ that I avoid in my writing! Great piece - thank you!!

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I was a piano student. Yes, I found scales boring! So I never learned them and my teacher wasn't a stickler about them. Learning them now, returning to the piano as an adult. It helps with memorizing pieces. I practice now just for the joy of practicing, not performing. To paraphrase Casals, there's still so much to learn.

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Exactly what I needed to read at a time when I needed to read it. Thank you!

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This was a great reminder for me. I'm revising my second novel. I'm on the 5th pass through it. I feel like I'm getting better but know that I have room to grow. Thank you.

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This brought back memories. I played the flute as well, and I did take private lessons and I did (sometimes) practice my scales, but the one audition I remember for a youth orchestra I had practiced and practiced some difficult scale, I can't remember which, and then they said "play whatever scale you want," and I took them far to literally and played C Major. I was not chosen to join the orchestra.

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Agree 100% re wishing I’d been better at (more comfortable with) being bad at things. I stuck to things I was “good at” without trying to improve! But never too late to leave.

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For me, writing is a constant learning curve. A permanent 'beginner's mind' situation. The day I figured out a that you don't get good at writing and just stay good was a turning point for me. Each new piece, even each next sentence, offers up the lesson. What I practice now is being in a permanent state of practice. Thank you for this!!

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Thank you - Thank you , Kate! I feel that you are with me in my querying struggles and understand how I get so depressed getting everything asked just right. Stay with me in your posts. You are a super teacher! Love, Jane.

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Gee, Kate. I went to that small college in Hickory! Nice to know you've got some piedmont North Carolina in your DNA. Maybe it'll help my book connect with you when I finally get the confidence to query.

Thanks for this piece. It hits the target dead-center for us writers, as usual.

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I lived in Winston as a kid!

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Being comfortable at being bad at things is honestly impossible for me. I have to call it a rough draft, (in my head) even though it's my __th revision. Nope, 'rough draft' is the only way. I may have been more comfortable with it as a kid, but now, when I'm actually pretty good at a few things it's just disturbing

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