Thank you for the information. As a new novelist, sitting hard in that space of "hopefully this is the FINAL edit," I have the leg-up of an agent who has already asked to consider the full manuscript. He read it before, gave me editorial pointers, and I've been working to address those concerns in the novel. He told me I have "great potential as a novelist" and encouraged me to send him any manuscripts because he loves my voice. Not many people get something this positive in a matter of 10 queries! So if I can ever get that final polish done, I may have an actual editor look at it before I query again or send it back to this agent. I appreciate your words here because the WHOLE BIG WORLD of research, finding an agent, learning the ins and outs, IS very intimidating and overwhelming. It makes it hard for us writers to do what we do best. But I am convinced this manuscript should be traditionally published so I am working hard to give it all I can to bring it to fruition as best I can. In general, it is difficult to query, stressful, and time consuming--not to mention terrifying. I think your words about working with an agent you can WORK WITH is so important. For every one good experience like I have had so far--there are hundreds of no's and snide or harsh replies. And the cookie-cutter copy-paste negatives. I'll keep my chin up and I hope you'll continue to do what you do--offering a little guidance and helpful information. I appreciate it.

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Thanks for sharing insights on agent-writer dynamics. Your advice on agent selection and the emphasis on transparency are valuable. Best wishes to all authors navigating their paths. https://supermariooyna.website

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