I just did this, not knowing whether I should or not--but I haven't heard from the agent in a year, so I guess I don't really care how it's viewed. Otherwise, I will be assuming it's a rejection without any notice so I might as well try one more time, right? I mean, the worst that I could get is a "no" which is better than the non-response I've gotten so far.

But--I did have my book copyedited and essentially line-edited between last submission and now. It's the same book, but tighter. I wish I'd had this advice, and I would have included the query information with the reminder--but I was trying to be very concise. Next time. Now I know. Thanks.

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Ah, the "tell me what you revised" touch is lovely. On a related note, once pulled a story from Submittable (with permission) due to a wonky first paragraph and a plot-canceling last sentence. Fixed both, resubmitted with a note, and, alas, three weeks later, rejection came knocking. Well, at least not because of the first paragraph, maybe. https://templeofboom1.gitlab.io/

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Ahhh, the "tell me what you revised" bit is nice. Semi-related: I once yanked a story out of Submissible (the magazine's submission page said this was permissible, if you emailed to ask first) because after two months I realized its first paragraph was terribly contrived and its last paragraph included a sentence that accidentally canceled the whole plot. I was able to fix both problems and mention in the resubmitted cover letter that these were the only changes. It was a huge relief, and reader, it was only three weeks later that this story was rejected anyway. But at least not because of the first paragraph! Maybe.

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Thanks, I needed that!

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