I read H is for Hawk during a recovery period after surgery. I had 2 hawks as companions perched on a tree outside my bedroom window, at least twice a day. Mabel and Helen gave me the courage to face the tug and pull when my knotted stitches came out. It was a strange way towards the path of healing, yet the more I read the easier it became to accept the burning scar tissue in my body.
I read H is for Hawk during a recovery period after surgery. I had 2 hawks as companions perched on a tree outside my bedroom window, at least twice a day. Mabel and Helen gave me the courage to face the tug and pull when my knotted stitches came out. It was a strange way towards the path of healing, yet the more I read the easier it became to accept the burning scar tissue in my body.
I read H is for Hawk during a recovery period after surgery. I had 2 hawks as companions perched on a tree outside my bedroom window, at least twice a day. Mabel and Helen gave me the courage to face the tug and pull when my knotted stitches came out. It was a strange way towards the path of healing, yet the more I read the easier it became to accept the burning scar tissue in my body.