Oldest sibling here, whose inclination is always to try and FIX IT. (regardless of whether someone has *asked* for the fixing) Doing nothing is so hard: shavasana pose in yoga, right? This essay today hits just as I am looking at querytracker & thinking okay, getting form rejections (and a few requests for full MS, but *very* few)...thin…
Oldest sibling here, whose inclination is always to try and FIX IT. (regardless of whether someone has *asked* for the fixing) Doing nothing is so hard: shavasana pose in yoga, right? This essay today hits just as I am looking at querytracker & thinking okay, getting form rejections (and a few requests for full MS, but *very* few)...thinking, do I do nothing & let it all ride with the outstanding Q; do I re-do this or that or the other thing, do I take up competitive needlepointing? Gonna try this whole zen attitude a little bit longer....
Oldest sibling here, whose inclination is always to try and FIX IT. (regardless of whether someone has *asked* for the fixing) Doing nothing is so hard: shavasana pose in yoga, right? This essay today hits just as I am looking at querytracker & thinking okay, getting form rejections (and a few requests for full MS, but *very* few)...thinking, do I do nothing & let it all ride with the outstanding Q; do I re-do this or that or the other thing, do I take up competitive needlepointing? Gonna try this whole zen attitude a little bit longer....