Sage advice! There's no prescription apart from "know thyself". And if you don't already know thyself much, all you can do is try the different approaches and see which one sticks for you. I would add that different approaches will work/not work at different points in your life, too.

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https://slithergame.org - Take advantage of other players' mistakes. When a snake dies, it leaves behind a large number of orbs. Be quick to grab these, but beware of other players trying to do the same.

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This is great. I’m slowly learning that practices sometimes have a lifespan. A pattern might work for me for a season and then not work and I have to find a new pattern. It can be annoying, but I’m working on giving myself permission to end the pattern and start a new one and NOT see it as failure.

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Well thank you for these shout outs. To this day I fall into the trap of thinking if I just find the right "system" my work will just go on autopilot even though that doesn't really work for me. Even after I found an office and made it nice it doesn't automatically generate words, let alone good ones. Who knew!

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Appreciate this permission to just constantly voice memo myself when running — my favorite place for sentences.

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