I needed this today. Spending a lot of time lately trying to speed learn the ropes of social media, only to discover the robots have the upper hand! I recently joined Twitter to simply 'exist' on the platform and to participate in an upcoming pitch event. So far it feels like walking into a party over and over again, each time saying the wrong thing in exchange for a hearty round of crickets. A friend reminded me that it takes time to grow online relationships, and the ones you actually want to nurture take even more time. I'm trying to remember that as I navigate the school dance of Twitter, where the noisy, popular crowd is often rewarded over the try hards. But hey, that's high school. Wait... thought I did that already. :)

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Thank you for this excellent explanation!

It's similar to organizing childcare while you're not even pregnant yet.

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In the vein of word of mouth, thought you'd appreciate that when I was going to recommend you (on a e-serve of thousands) to someone as one of my two MUST GET INTO YOUR LIFE resources, *someone* beat me to the punch. And that someone was another Erin, your sister. 😄 I didn't know we ran in the same circles. So I just piled on her rec and also thumbs upped you. She agreed with me that you're pretty great.

I've been 100% word of mouth since I started my business 19 years ago and I can't tell you how much I appreciate this stat and my people. "Sales" sucks; but sales doesn't have to be "sales." There are fun, easy, non icky ways to sell, a la what you're talking about. Be your fabulous self and people will want to keep you in their world AND share you.

Which is the best scenario -- win win win. I win cause you're sharing my business, you win cause your people now know of something/one fabulous and appreciate you giving them the insight, and they win cause now they have more fabulousness in their life, especially if that fab fills a hole they need filled. 🎉

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Nice post. I shared one of those tweets and commented (probably hers lol)

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An old bit of Twitter lore but… they say that an original tweet with a link will be suppressed by the algorithm - but it loves replies, even own-replies. So the thing to do is first tweet a screencap or two from the post as images, then reply to *that* tweet with the link.

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I always share my newsletter on Twitter, but it makes me feel a little foolish, like I'm a very small fish in a big pond and I can't even swim.

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I'm kinda hoping I get my stories read like that old commercial..."If you tell two friends, and they tell two friends , and so, and so on, and so ..." but no one seems to like FREE! Then again, I don't have a huge following.

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And if you have a piece of content that every person shares 1x... congrats, you’ve gone viral. All it takes if for each person to share it once.

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RemovedNov 2, 2022·edited Nov 2, 2022
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