Jun 20, 2023Liked by Kate McKean

"I absolutely did not WANNA write but I wanted to HAVE WRITTEN..."

LIGHT BULB MOMENT. Thank you for naming this. Works for exercise, too :)

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I learn and then forget this every single day.

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Aha! But isn't writing this newsletter a tick in the box of word count? I think it absolutely IS! It's the 1000-word bucket that matters (I tell myself) and not whether those words are all going in the *same* bucket. That analogy works (to switch a metaphor) along the lines of the going-to-the-gym thing: you gotta exercise the muscles; how you exercise those muscles is up to you. So: bicep curls, rowing machine, pushups: newsletter, shitty draft, residency application. Voila! (I am available for help rationalizing pretty much anything...)

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Yes! Only 225 to go! :)

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Just did it first and what a great feeling. Thank you!

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Hahahahahah wow. This was timely and VERY needed. Thank you!

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tbh this made me write literally over 600 words. and ik that's not 1000 but it's 600 more than I have in way too long so thank you

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I absolutely cannot participate right now, though I love this annual event, so I’ve rescheduled it by snoozing the emails every morning.

Definitely agree with write first, and my own mantra (for everything) is, “no catching up.” Whatever I missed yesterday (workout, non-critical tasks, writing quota), it doesn’t migrate over to today. I just start over each morning.

Good luck to all participating now! Whatever you’re doing, you’re not doing it wrong!

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I heard this tip that I love: instead of saying “I don’t have time for ____ today,” you say “I am not prioritizing ____ today.” Sometimes it makes you stop and reassess if your time and energy are really going where you want them to, and sometimes it gives me that extra push to make sure is going to actual

priorities like writing, and not, for example doom scrolling on social media.

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Thanks, it seems a very good advice!

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This is super relatable thanks for sharing! Whenever I have one of those "easy to do and easy not to do" tasks, I use the mantra "I can do 10mins" and that 10mins usually turns into more when I've started :)

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Love this! Even though writing is my day job, I also make this bargain with myself often. There's always some business admin that needs to be done, calls with new clients, or it's too hot, or my husband's ill and someone has to look after the toddler, or I'm tired because the toddler was up all night and I can just do it tomorrow...

Well, my daily wordcount goal is 5,000, so of course I absolutely cannot ever and to this date have not managed to "do it tomorrow". Sometimes though I think we need a whimsical excuse to give ourselves permission to take time off, even if it's a fun exercise we wanted to do.

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Promised myself today to drop the kids at school, walk 15 minutes then write write write (it's the last half day of school--a short but clear path!) but then an old friend called and roses needed trimmed and laundry sorted and... here I am: all the fresh morning thoughts I woke up with are gone and the bell rings in 20. So yes, do it first!!!

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Absolutely right. Thanks for this. I schedule in my writing time (which is maybe 20 minutes) in the morning, but alas, the toddler was awake at the exact same time my alarm went off. That’s just the way it goes sometimes.

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So true - it is all about prioritization and building habits.

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I need to ask a question about using real people in a fiction book. Is it allowed? Or a good idea?


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I wrote about that here! https://katemckean.substack.com/p/q-and-a-thursday-683

This is a complicated thing that depends on what you want to write about them. Can you mention famous people in your book? Sure. Can you write a novel version of a famous person, using their real name? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Maybe! But they can also stop you if they want you to because they have the rights to their life story. Can you loosely base a character in your novel on your aunt, even though you changed a bunch of stuff? Probably! If you're really concerned, I would consult a lawyer as I am not one!

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Personally attached by this, Kate! Ha! I make and break this bargain with myself all the time.

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'Do it first, whenever you can,' is such good advice. I might need to write that on a post it and stick it onto my laptop!

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