I loved these comments, largely because this is how I like to work, too!

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Thanks! This is similar to what I am doing. It's great to know that others are in this with me. Hope everyone is successful. God bless!

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This is great advice, Kate. A plan shouldn't be a whip you use to flog yourself, but a guideline you use to pull yourself along.

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Thank you, Kate - I always enjoy your perspective!

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I'm doing something very similar--trying to finish a first draft be the end of March. And I'm using a goal planner this year instead of my usual day planner. I went with the Clever Fox planner and I'm finding it amazingly helpful keeping me on track. I'm looking forward to hearing more about your goal planner and how it's working for you.

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I find your post so very helpful. I'm at about the same place you are. Two published books and I'm working on a third. Like you I have 25,000 words, however messy and disorderly they are. For me, that means cleaning up the first quarter of the book and then continuing with 14,000 words a month. In the next months, I'll re-read your post many times to remind myself to keep going and to only show it to beta readers after two full edits.

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